Dennis Ward
No picture for Dennis Ward is currently available.
This is country around Kununurra that Dennis has painted. This country abounds in ancient ranges, billibongs, boab trees, and spinifex which are depicted in Dennis' beautiful painting.
USD $125, mounted on stretcher bars
Dennis Ward is a "Young Artist" creating his first paintings out of the Waringarri Arts Center in Kununurra, Western Australia. Typically, "Young Artists" begin learning traditional painting from their elders in the community and begin painting on "little" canvases. As a "Young Artist" matures, canvas size and palette colors increase. This maturation occurs in conjunction with the "Young Artist's" development within the community at large, while learning his or her family's and community's Dreaming stories and being initiated further into the sacred ceremonies that are an important part of the "Young Artist's" growth.
(Click on link(s) below to see painting details.)
Untitled, 2004
Additional Artist Information
Dennis Ward is a "Young Artist" and is just beginning his painting career. Please review our "Young Artists" information sheet (by clicking on this link) for more information about our policy for sales of art by young and emerging Aboriginal artists.