Dorothy May
Dorothy May, © Mangkaja Arts, Fitzroy Crossing, WA
This spectacular painting by Dorothy depicts a wide array of bush foods (both flora and fauna) that can be found throughout her country. The symphony of color is remarkable.
USD $4400
This richly textured painting by Dorothy is about "Ngalun (a rock hole) in my country. Rocks and grass surround the waterhole. Blue and orange are bush flowers and the outer yellow and white dots in the outer area are bush tucker." The muted complimentary colors create a sense of depth and movement.
USD $3800
Dorothy's painting depicts a small pirnti (claypan or depression that holds water in the wet season). There are pirnti all over the desert country. The small "U" shapes are little sandhills and the dots are grass. The small circles are bush flowers.
USD $1500
A major talent painting out of Mangkaja Arts Center at Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia, Dorothy May distinguished herself early on by winning the prestigious Telstra Prize in 1995. Since then she has continued to create new and highly innovative artwork of extraordinary beauty.
Dorothy is married to senior lawman Tommy Ngarralja May, a major Mangkaja painter in his own right.