Peggy Griffiths
Peggy Griffiths, © Waringarri Arts Center, Kununurra, WA
In this image of traditional country Peggy represents an area called Jinamoom. The Keep River flows through the center of the image joined by the smaller tributaries that run during the wet season. In the upper section is a large hill called Goodim. In the lower section the hills represent "Ant Pit country". Ant Pit is good bush medicine. The two billabongs in the upper right are called Wirridlboom and Hungry, respectively.
The flecks of paint in the background are typical Peggy's work and represent the spinifex grasses moving as the winds travel across country. This movement is evidence to Peggy that the Spirit of traditional country is still alive.
USD $6500
One of the most senior women artists painting out of the Waringarri Arts Center in Kununurra, Peggy Griffiths is a respected leader and elder of her community. Together with her artist husband, Alan, they have garnered a worldwide following of collectors of their work.