Jukuna Mona Chuguna
Jukuna Mona Chuguna, © Mangkaja Arts, Fitzroy Crossing, WA
"This is my country near Tarpu. I always walk around here with Wakartu when I was a little one. We would get witchety grub and ngarika and other mangarri bush tucker. Sometimes when I dream I go back there and I look all around my country, like when I was a kid. I get that feeling inside like I was still there. I have painted all different tree's like turtujarti, yarun, tarnjubtu and Wirrijati. I have also painted bush honey and different grasses."
USD $5200, mounted on stretcher bars
This is an extraordinary collaboration piece between Jukuna Mona Chuguna and Warkartu Cory Surprise, two of the most respected, senior painters of Mangkaja.
Jukuna explains, "This is where people bin walking. They walk from this Tarpu to Kutalj Kutalj and another living place Wyampajarti. The water stays in this jila (waterhole) and he got a cheeky snake there too. He bring rain and people sing song for that jila and ceremony."
USD $8000, mounted on stretcher bars
Senior Mangkaja artist Jukuna Mona Chuguna was born at Kurntumangujarti in the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia. Her powerful and bold use of complimentary colors and chromatic contrast have garnered her a worldwide audience.